La generación: the story of Spain’s last literary boom

A wave of writers born in the ‘80s and ‘90s, dominated by women and producing prose inspired by gender issues, invades bookstores.

From Lectura fácil (Anagrama), which won the last Herralde Novel Award, it is said that before this recognition, it was headed for a different fate. The book was contracted by a big publisher which refused to publish it after the author’s refusal to make certain changes. Cristina Morales (Granada, 1985) does not deny the fact, but admits that certain legal conditions prevent her from saying more on the matter. “There is a widespread censorship problem”, she says, “censorship by the publishing industry for certain subjects, and a posteriori censorship by judges and prosecutors. A writer’s first obstacle is the penal code itself”. The happy ending for Lectura fácil has served to prove an intuition that was hovering over the Spanish publishing landscape: the confirmation of a new generational sensibility among writers born in the ‘80s and ‘90s, in which women abound, and whose writing springs from a period in which gender issues were at the fore.

Read more here: El País - Cultura

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