Publishing house Kalandraka presents a digital television channel dedicated to children’s and young adult literature.

Kalandraka has embarked on a new project: “,” a digital television channel dedicated to children’s and young adult literature, with interviews, stories, .....

recommendations, school experiences, news, literary recommendations, reading experiences, and much more. Xosé Ballestos, managing director at Kalandraka, has described this digital television channel as an “open window” through which children will be able to discover those who create books and immerse themselves in their work and their work process. This space will also showcase “where books live” and will serve as a source of information on literary news and recent activities involving books and reading. Kalandraka frames this initiative, Ballestos explains, in the context of “reading encouragement,” a necessary task for publishers, especially when taking into account that “out of every ten books that are published, six belong to one of two major publishing groups.”

Read more here - La Vanguardia

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