In his book Madrugada, The Early Morning, (Alfaguara), the Peruvian Gustavo Rodríguez honors the whole narrative to which he is addicted.

Whoever reads Madruguada by Gustavo Rodríguez not only reads a book, a drama, or a story, for it touches the reader.

A Peruvian born in 1968, he grew up reading Jules Verne, he moved on to Felisberto Hernández (the Uruguayan who got so fat, and wrote so well, that he had to go to the cemetery through the window of his house) and his countrymen Ricardo Palma, Alfredo Bryce Echenique and Julio Ramón Ribeyro, to ultimately reach Mario Vargas Llosa, whom he greets with reverence and whose architectural narrative he has inherited. In his country his other job of advertising equipped him well. On behalf of Caretas magazine he was the one who published the advertisement denouncing Chile for appropriating the Peruvian pisco. “Chile, forget about pisco.” That phrase went viral in 2002, and even if you do a Google search today for the word "forget," what you get is what Rodriguez came up with, just irritating even more the Chilean pisco supporters.

Read the whole article here: EL PAÍS - CULTURA

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