An “easy to read” version of Don Quixote has been published containing only the knight and Sancho Panza’s adventures

This adaptation by Enrique Suárez Figaredo has 88 chapters and 25% less text that Cervantes’ original work.

The Cervantine Society of Alcázar de San Juan has edited a “lightened” new version of Don Quixote that only relates the adventures of the main protagonist and Sancho Panza, with the aim to make the text easier to read and to make universal literature more accessible. In this new edition of Don Quixote, any interspersed stories that might distract the reader from the main plot - the adventures of the two main characters, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza – have been removed. This adaptation only has 88 chapters and 25% less text; the parallel narratives that Cervantes added to the adventures and misfortunes of the main protagonists have been taken out, and the text has been restructured so that these two characters are always the main focus.

Read more here: ABC CULTURA 

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