Spanish publishing industry sold 286 millions of books in 2011

Also, the sector sales reached 2,772 million euros last year, according to a study conducted by Federación de Gremios de Editores de España, FGEE.

Spanish publishing industry sold 2,772.34 million euros on the domestic market during 2011. This represents a decrease of 4.1 percent over the previous year. This data was offered by the Estudio de Comercio Interior del Libro en España which was presented by Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE) and sponsored by Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDAR).

The study also showed that the sales have decreased 11.2% in the last five years, and the total of books sold decreased 20.3%. This decline affects all subjects except practical books, comics and textbooks. Also, the study reports that 83,258 titles were published, with an average circulation of 3,441 copies per title and an average price of 13.87 euros per copy.

To read the complete report, click here.

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