Literary Suggestions for the month of May from the Cervantes Institute

The Cervantes Institute is a non-profit cultural organization that universally promotes the teaching, study and use of the Spanish language and the Spanish and Hispanic-American culture.

 It collaborates with museums, alleries, theatres, publishing houses and other cultural institutions.

Their Library “Jorge Luis Borges” in New York City collaborates this month with America Reads Spanish recommending the following selection of books for American readers:

  • Usos rudimentarios de la selva by Jordi Soler. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2018
  • Mujeres errantes by  Pilar Sánchez Vicente. Barcelona: Roca, 2018
  • Las hijas del capitán by  María Dueñas. Barcelona: Planeta, 2018
  • Milicianas by Ana Martínez Rus. Madrid: Catarata, 2018
  • Reporteros internacionales 1 – Libro del alumno. Barcelona: Difusión, 2018
  • El río que se acaba los jueves by Victor González y Pablo Amargo Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2018
  • El gallo kirico by Tareixa Alonso and Alicia Súarez. Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2018


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