The best authors in the historical novel genre write on ABC about their passion for great characters of the past

To recover history, dust it, give it its due value in the present and bring it closer to the public. That is the goal of ABC's new series of reportages «The author and their character.» («El autor y su personaje») Every Sunday, ....

on the pages of the supplement Cultura, outstanding writers of historical novels will retell the adventures and misadventures of the great names of Spain's past, such as Jorge Juan, El Cid or Emperor Trajan. This week, Antonio Perez Henares, author of "The Little King" («El rey pequeño») will get the project on its way with his portrait of Alfonso VIII of Castile, the boy who became king when he was only three years old and ended up as the protagonist of one of the greatest feats in history: the victory of the Spaniards against the cruel Almohad Caliphate at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, a confrontation that stopped the Muslim advance in the peninsula and gave a new impulse to the Reconquista.

Read more: ABC Cultura  

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