Ediciones Complutense is born, a stamp to spread the knowledge of the university.

The educational center will publish research and dissemination books to reach "the whole society". The publishing house was born with the objective of "making known the scientific, humanistic, educational, technical, cultural and artistic production [of the university] to contribute to the advancement of knowledge", .....

has told EL PAÍS Antonio López, director of the label, who has also been present at the event. 

Ediciones Complutense will have five different publication classifications: research, teaching, dissemination, institutional activity and varieties. López states that the intention is to generate, on the one hand, books intended for university students and researchers, with specialized texts in the different scientific and humanistic subjects. On the other hand, the publisher will also have a line of dissemination on current issues "for the whole society," says its director.

Read more: El País . Cultura 

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